on the Coordination Council of the Interstate Commission for Military and Economic Cooperation Treaty Organizations on collective security on issues of mutual protection of rights to the results of intellectual activity obtained and used in the course of military-economic cooperation within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty Organization

I. General provisions

1.1. This Regulation determines the status, main tasks, functions and organizational bases of the Coordination Council's activities at the Interstate Commission for Military and Economic Cooperation of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (hereinafter - CSTO, Organization) on issues of mutual protection of rights to intellectual property received and (or) used in the course of military-economic cooperation in the framework of the CSTO (hereinafter - the Coordination Council).

1.2. The Coordination Council is created by the CSTO Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation with the aim of developing recommendations and, within its competence, making decisions on the formation of mechanisms for foreign trade activities by the CSTO member states in the framework of multilateral military and economic cooperation. protection of the results of intellectual activity and protection of rights to the obtained and (or) used results of intellectual activities in the development, production and use of military products.

1.3. The legal basis for the work of the Coordination Council is the Agreement on the Mutual Protection of Rights to the Results of Intellectual Activity Received and Used in the Course of Military-Economic Cooperation in the Framework of the Collective Security Treaty Organization of October 6, 2007 (hereinafter the Agreement), international treaties on intellectual property ownership, of which the member states of the CSTO are members, domestic regulatory legal documents defining the procedure for ensuring the protection of rights to results of intellectual activity, as well as this Regulation.

II. Composition of the Coordination Council

2.1. The Coordination Council includes representatives of the national parts of the Coordination Council.

2.2. The Coordination Council is headed by the Chairman of the Coordination Council, who is elected by open vote by a majority vote of the heads of the national parts of the Coordination Council and is approved by the decision of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation.

2.3. The national part of the Coordination Council is formed from representatives of the authorized body of the CSTO member state to implement the Agreement (successor of the authorized body of the CSTO member state to implement the Agreement), as well as interested ministries and departments, organizations, concerns, holdings and industrial enterprises.

The head and staff of the national part of the Coordination Council are determined by the decision of the Head of the national part of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation.

2.4. The Secretary of the Coordination Council is appointed from among the staff of the CSTO Secretariat (as advised by the CSTO Secretariat) and approved by the decision of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation.

III. Main tasks and functions of the Coordination Council

3.1. The following main tasks and functions are assigned to the Coordination Council within its competence:

a) coordination of the activities of participants in military-economic cooperation in the part related to the subject of the Agreement, and the expansion of interaction between them;

b) expert legal development of draft decisions of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation relating to the legal protection of the results of intellectual activity obtained and (or) used in the course of military-economic cooperation in the framework of the CSTO;

c) preparation of proposals on joint practical measures of the CSTO member states on the effective implementation of the Agreement;

d) preparation of recommendations and suggestions to participants
military-economic cooperation on improving the efficiency of ensuring legal protection of the results of intellectual activity and protection of rights to the obtained and (or) used results of intellectual activity;

e) preparation of proposals for the settlement of disputes between the participants of military-economic cooperation in relation to the results of intellectual activity obtained and (or) used in the course of military-economic cooperation;

e) organization of the exchange of experience on the protection of violated rights to the results of intellectual activity;

g) analysis of international cooperation and exchange of information on the participation of CSTO member states in other international treaties defining the peculiarities of intellectual property protection;

h) facilitating the implementation of the efforts of the CSTO member states to harmonize national legislation governing the use of the results of intellectual activity.

3.2. The Coordination Council may be assigned other tasks and functions within its competence in accordance with the decisions of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation.

IV. Coordination Council Rights

4.1. In order to fulfill its functions, the Coordination Council has the right to:

a) to develop recommendations on issues related to ensuring mutual protection of rights to the results of intellectual activity received and (or) used in the course of military-economic cooperation within the framework of the CSTO;

b) to submit, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation, for consideration of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation proposals on issues related to solving tasks and performing the functions assigned to the Coordination Council;

c) to invite, in consultation with the authorized bodies of the CSTO member states in the implementation of the Agreement, experts of the necessary branches of knowledge that are not members of the Coordination Council to attend its meetings.

V. Organization of activities

5.1. The main form of activities of the Coordination Council are meetings held at least once a year during the meetings of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation in accordance with the work plan of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation.

5.2. The organization of the preparation and holding of meetings is entrusted to the Chairman and the Secretary of the Coordination Council with the assistance of the heads of the national parts of the Coordinating Council.

5.3. The Chairman of the Coordination Council provides general guidance, determines the range of issues to be considered at its meetings, and also organizes the implementation of decisions of the Coordination Council related to the competence of the Coordination Council.

5.4. The head of the national part of the Coordination Council analyzes the state of and prepares proposals aimed at the further development of military-economic cooperation in the framework of the practical implementation of the Agreement, informs members of the national part of the Coordination Council of the next meeting and organizes the distribution of materials to its participants.

5.5. The Secretary of the Coordination Council summarizes the proposals received from national parts, participates in the preparation of documents of an analytical and advisory nature, informs the heads of the national parts of the Coordination Council on planned activities, draws up the minutes of its meetings and monitors the implementation of decisions taken, and ensures the distribution of materials of the past and upcoming meetings.

5.6. Members of the national part of the Coordination Council, on behalf of the Head of the national part, participate in the development of draft relevant documents and recommendations, participate in the study and discussion of issues that need to be considered in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement.

5.7. The work of the Coordination Council is carried out in accordance with the Work Plan of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation, instructions of the Chairman of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation and decisions of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation.

5.8. The Coordination Council reports annually on the results of its activities during the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation meetings.

VI. The order of the meetings of the Coordination Council

6.1. The agenda, time and place of the next meeting of the Coordination Council are determined by the Chairman of the Coordination Council on the basis of proposals received from the heads of the national parts of the Coordination Council.

The time and venue of the meetings are included in the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation Annual Work Plan.

6.2. The secretary of the Coordination Council no less than 45 days before the meeting, informs the leaders of the national parts of the Coordination Council and interested organizations about the time, place and agenda of the next meeting with the direction of the necessary information and reference materials.

6.3. At least 20 days before the meeting, the heads of the national parts of the Coordination Council shall forward to the Chairman of the Coordination Council information on the composition of the meeting participants and their proposals on the draft agenda and content of the documents submitted for consideration.

6.4. The Secretary of the Coordination Council summarizes the proposals received from the states, reports them to the Chairman of the Coordination Council and prepares documents for the next meeting of the Coordination Council.

6.5. The Chairman of the Coordination Council presides over the meeting, in case of his absence - the Head of the national part of the Coordination Council of the state on whose territory the meeting is held.

The chairperson opens the meeting, informs about the composition of its participants, submits the agenda and the rules of procedure for approval, gives the floor for reports and speeches, votes proposals on the issues under consideration, announces certificates and statements.

6.6. All decisions of the Coordination Council are made by consensus of the national parts of the Coordination Council and are advisory in nature.

Consensus is defined as the absence of a formal objection from the national parts of the Coordination Council, which could constitute an obstacle to a decision on the issue under consideration.

In addition, each national part of the Coordination Council has one vote.

6.7. Following the meeting, the secretary of the Coordination Council draws up a protocol, which, as a rule, contains information on the time, place and agenda of the meeting, the composition of its participants, the issues addressed and the results of their discussion.

The protocol attached reviewed draft documents, and if necessary, and other materials.

In addition, the protocol may reflect recommendations on the further procedural passage of the issues and draft documents considered (on the advisability of further elaboration in the CSTO member states, on convening an additional meeting of the Coordination Council, on introducing specific issues and draft documents for consideration by the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation, etc.) .

The protocol is signed by the chairperson of the meeting and with the attached materials sent out in the prescribed manner by the Secretary of the Coordination Council to the heads of the national parts of the ICEEC no later than 10 days after the meeting.

VII. Final provisions

7.1. Participants in the meeting of the Coordination Council ensure the confidentiality of information on issues discussed during its work.

7.2. Information and analytical support for the activities of the Coordination Council is provided by the authorized bodies of the CSTO member states and the Secretariat of the Organization.

7.3. Organizational and logistical support for the preparation and conduct of meetings of the Coordination Council is provided by the host state.

7.4. The costs of secondment of members of the Coordination Council and invited experts to attend its meetings are borne by the sending organization, a state or an intergovernmental body.

7.5. Changes and additions to this Regulation are made by the Decision of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation on the submission of the Coordination Council.