Regulations on the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation of the Collective Security Treaty Organization


By decision of the Collective Security Council

Collective Security Treaty Organization

from December 23, 2014

“On the Regulations on the Interstate Commission
on military economic cooperation
Collective Security Treaty Organizations

1. General provisions

1.1.    This Regulation defines the legal status, tasks, functions and organizational bases for the activities of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (hereinafter referred to as научно-исследовательских и опытно-конструкторских работ or the Commission).

1.2.    The научно-исследовательских и опытно-конструкторских работ is a subsidiary body of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (hereinafter - the CSTO or the Organization) for the coordination of interaction of the CSTO member states in the field of military-economic (technical) cooperation.

1.3.    The Commission is being established and functioning in order to unite and coordinate the efforts of the CSTO member states to further deepen and improve multilateral cooperation and promote integration in the development and production of military products, as well as the use of dual-use technologies (applications) in the production of military and civilian goods.

1.4.    The Commission is guided in its activities by generally recognized principles and norms of international law, the Charter of the CSTO, international treaties and decisions adopted within the framework of the Organization, these Regulations, and the legislation of the CSTO member states.

1.5.    For the purposes of this Statement, the following terms mean:

military-economic cooperation - the area of ​​interstate relations, associated with the interaction of national defense-industrial complexes in the development, production, modernization, repair, maintenance, operation and utilization of military products;

military products - weapons, military equipment, documentation, work, services, intellectual property, in including exclusive rights to them (intellectual property), and information in the military-technical field, as well as any other products attributable to national legislation, normative legal acts of the CSTO member states to military products;

military-technical cooperation - activities in the field of international relations related to export and import, including the supply or purchase of military products, as well as with development and production of military products;

military-economic (technical) cooperation - the whole range of issues of military-economic cooperation, as well as military-technical cooperation in the part related to the development and production of military products.

2. Functions of the Commission

2.1.    The Commission makes recommendations and, within its competence, makes decisions aimed at ensuring multilateral military-economic (technical) cooperation in the following priority areas:

a) development and implementation of long-term programs of military-economic (technical) cooperation;

b) the preservation of specialization and cooperation in the production of military products, components and spare parts;

c) development of general rules of interaction in solving issues of improving the quality of manufacturing, standardization, unification and acceptance of military products, as well as technological equipment for their manufacture;

d) preparation of proposals on the simplification of customs regimes and procedures for the import (export) and transit of military and dual-use products;

e ) preparation of proposals for the order of joint research and development work (hereinafter - R&D) for the development and modernization of military products. Formation of R&D lists for joint development;

f) development of mechanisms to ensure that participants in foreign economic activity have legal protection of the obtained results of intellectual activity and protection of rights to the obtained and (or) used results of intellectual activity during the development, production and use of military products;

g) consideration of cooperation in the field of conversion of military production;

h ) improvement of the mechanism of circulation of dual-use goods and technologies, the study of the possibilities and the use of advances in the production of military products for the manufacture of civilian products;

i) development of proposals aimed at approximation of the regulatory legal framework in the field of regulation of issues of military-economic (technical) cooperation;

j) determination of principles for the creation and functioning of joint ventures (organizations) for the development, production, modernization, repair, maintenance and disposal of military products. Preparation of proposals for the establishment of such enterprises, as well as support for the process of their formation;

k) preparation of proposals for the exchange and joint development of normative-technical documentation in the field of creation, operation, modernization and disposal of military products, taking into account the national legislation of the Member States of the Organization;

l) development of recommendations related to the settlement of controversial issues in cooperation deliveries by industrial enterprises of the Member States of the Organization of raw materials, materials and components for the manufacture of military products;

m ) organization of systemic training of engineering, technical and personnel for the defense enterprises of the Organization's member states;

n) analysis of the adopted documents in the field of military-economic (technical) cooperation and preparation of proposals for improving the existing regulatory and legal framework.

2.2.    The Commission assists the Organization’s Member States in coordinating their multilateral cooperation with the bilateral cooperation of these States. Organizes the preparation of multilateral agreements on military-economic (technical) cooperation of the Organization's member states, as well as bilateral agreements concluded in order to implement these multilateral agreements.

2.3.    The Commission carries out a systematic analysis of the implementation of the adopted recommendations, agreements and decisions, as well as international treaties concluded on their basis.

2.4.    The Commission organizes work on the creation of information systems and databases in its areas of activity.

3 Commission Rights

3.1.    In order to carry out the functions assigned to it, the Commission has the right to:

a) develop recommendations on a range of issues related to military-economic (technical) cooperation;

b) make decisions on organizational and procedural matters of the Commission;

c) to submit to the heads of government of the member states and / or the Collective Security Council of the CSTO proposals on issues related to the implementation of the functions assigned to the Commission;

d) if necessary, form working groups (business and coordination councils) to develop proposals on the directions of their activities, to convene conferences and meetings.

3.2.    The functioning of the working group of the  shall be carried out in the manner determined by the Commission.

4. Composition of the Commission

4.1.    The Commission includes the heads of the national parts of the Organization's member states with a rank not lower than the heads of state bodies or their deputies, who are responsible for matters of military-economic (technical) cooperation.

The composition and position of the national part of the Commission is approved by the government of each of the member states of the Organization.

4.2.    The Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation  chairman is the deputy head of government of one of the Organization's member states, appointed by the decision of the CSTO Collective Security Council for a period of three years.

The candidature of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation  Chairman is submitted to the CSTO Collective Security Council by the Secretary General of the CSTO in consultation with the heads of government of the Organization's member states.

4.3.    Heads and members of national parts (delegations) of the Organization's member states, representatives of the CSTO Secretariat and, if necessary, other bodies of the Organization, take part in the meetings of the Commission .

5. Organization of the Commission

5.1.    Commission meetings are held as necessary, as a rule, at least twice a year. The place and time of the next meeting are approved at the next meeting of the Commission.

Meetings of the national parts of the Commission on issues of interest to them may be held, if necessary, in a bilateral, as well as tripartite format.

5.2.    Chairman of Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation :

a coordinates the implementation of the activities of the Commission’s work plan;

b) leads meetings of the Commission;

c) organizes the work of the Commission in the period between its meetings;

d) interacts with the executive authorities of the Organization's member states in charge of matters of military-economic (technical) cooperation, and the CSTO Secretariat in order to plan and implement military-economic (technical) cooperation activities;

e ) in accordance with the decisions of the Commission, participates in events held by international organizations;

f) performs other functions in accordance with the decisions of the Commission.

5.3.    The Commission annually approves the work plan.

The work plan includes issues to be considered by the Commission or its working groups. The order of submission of proposals on these issues is determined by the Rules of Procedure of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation.  

5.4.    Based on the results of its activities, the Commission develops proposals and decisions that are sent to the governments of the Member States of the Organization for consideration and execution, if necessary, of decisions in accordance with the national legislation of the CSTO member states.

5.5.    The Commission’s documents prepared for submission to the CSTO Collective Security Council are presented at its sessions by the Chairman of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation  or the Secretary General of the CSTO.

Coordination of documents submitted by the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation  is carried out in accordance with the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation rules of procedure and the internal procedures of the CSTO member states.

5.6.    Planning and coordination of the implementation of decisions taken on matters of military-economic (technical) cooperation, the development (organization of the development) of the necessary documents for the Commission’s activities are carried out by the national parts of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation.

5.7.    Information, analytical, organizational and technical support for the activities of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation  is provided by the structural unit of the CSTO Secretariat.

The head of the structural unit of the CSTO Secretariat is also the Secretary of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation .

5.8.    The working materials intended for elaboration in the member states of the Organization and consideration at the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation  meetings are sent by the CSTO Secretariat in coordination with the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation  Chairman to the heads of the national parts of the Commission.

5.9.    The Commission annually reviews the results of its activities. The Chairman of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation  approves the progress report and forwards the relevant information to the CSTO Secretary General.

5.10.    The costs of secondment and maintenance of participants in meetings of the Commission, its working groups, as well as conferences and meetings convened by the Commission shall be borne by the Member State of the Organization, which sends its representatives to these meetings, conferences and meetings.

The costs associated with the provision of premises and technical facilities for the said meetings, conferences and meetings shall be borne by the Member State of the Organization in whose territory they are held.

5.11.    Financing of the programs of military-economic (technical) cooperation is carried out at the expense of assessed contributions of the member states of the Organization. The financing mechanism, the value of the share of a member state of the Organization shall be established in each specific case by an agreement (contract).

5.12.    On the basis of the Rules of Procedure of the bodies of the Collective Security Treaty Organization , the Commission approves the Rules of Procedure of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation .

5.13.    The working language of the Commission is Russian.

6. Final provisions

6.1.    Member States of the Organization shall ensure the conditions for holding meetings of the Commission guaranteeing the confidentiality of the issues discussed, unless otherwise specified in the adopted international treaties and decisions of the Commission.

6.2.    Changes and additions to this Regulation are made by the Decision of the Collective Security Council of the CSTO at the recommendation of the member states of the Organization or the Commission.

6.3.    The decision to abolish the Commission is made by the CSTO Collective Security Council.

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