Regulations on the information interaction of the Interstate Center for Cataloging Supplies of Armed Forces of the CSTO Member States with National Cataloging Authorities
By decision of the Council of Ministers of Defense
Collective Security Treaty Organization
from October 14, 2016
“On the Regulation on information interaction
Interstate Cataloging Center
military supplies of states - members
Organizations Collective Security Agreements
with national authorities (centers)
cataloging states - members
Collective Security Treaty Organizations
about information interaction
Interstate Cataloging Center
supplies of the armed forces of the states - members
Treaty Organization collective security with national bodies (centers) of state cataloging - members
Collective Security Treaty Organization
This Regulation defines the main directions, procedure for information interaction of the Interstate Center for Cataloging Supplies of Armed Forces of States - members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (hereinafter - Interstate Cataloging Center) with national authorities (centers) of state cataloging - members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (hereinafter - CSTO) in the development of regulatory and methodological documents of the interstate cataloging system, the formation and maintenance of an interstate catalog of supplies of the armed forces of states - members of the CSTO (hereinafter - the Interstate Catalog), as well as the exchange of data on catalogable supplies.
I. Basic terms and abbreviations
The following abbreviations are used in this provision:
- CMPS - Classifier of the interstate system of cataloging supplies of the armed forces of the States members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization;
- PS - subject of snob;
- SFO - standard description format.
For the purposes of this Statute, the terms used are defined in the Statute on the Interstate System for the Cataloging of Supplies of Armed Forces of States. - members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization and the Classifier of the interstate system of cataloging supplies of the armed forces of states - members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, and the following terms:
- national cataloging body of the CSTO member state
(Further - national cataloging authority) - nationally recognized body in the field of cataloging - CSTO member who may be a member of the relevant international or regional cataloging organization, organizing the national cataloging system and managing the development of documents (regulatory technical, instructions, guidelines, etc.) p.) in the interests of the national cataloging system;
- national state cataloging center - CSTO member
(Further - National Cataloging Center) - the structural unit (organization) of the national cataloging body of the CSTO member state, which is responsible for creating and maintaining the national cataloging system, cataloging supplies, forming and maintaining sections of the national catalog;
- standard format for the description of supplies - a normative document of the interstate system for the cataloging of supplies, which establishes uniform forms and rules for describing supplies;
- the structure of the interstate catalog - a hierarchical three-level set of components of the catalog - sections, books and their parts;
- supplier code in the interstate cataloging system - five-digit code assigned to suppliers of supplies in international (interstate) cataloging organization;
- The approved name of the item of supply is the name assigned in the interstate cataloging system to a certain grouping of homogeneous supplies;
- transaction - a set of specific actions that are performed by a user or program to access or modify a database.
II. General provisions
2.1. Information interaction in the process of cataloging supplies of the armed forces of the CSTO member states (more - information interaction) is provided by a set of activities carried out by the Interstate Cataloging Center and national cataloging bodies (centers) to form and ensure the functioning of the information system of the interstate cataloging system.
2.2. The main types of information interaction between the Interstate Cataloging Center and national cataloging authorities (centers) are:
- exchange of information in the development of regulatory and methodological documents on the creation, development and operation of the interstate cataloging system;
- information exchange in the formation and maintenance of the Interstate Catalog;
- exchange of data on catalogable supplies.
2.3. Pending the creation of an automated data processing system for supplies of the armed forces of states - CSTO members exchange catalog data is carried out in paper form and on electronic media.
III. The order of information interaction
in the development of regulatory and methodological documents of the interstate cataloging system
3.1. Development of regulatory (ILC, SFO, documents on standardization in the interests of the interstate cataloging system) and methodological documents (rules, instructions, guidelines, in t. References) of the interstate cataloging system is carried out on the basis of the following documents:
- applications for development, introduction of amendments, revision of a document (hereinafter referred to as application for development of a document);
- request for the development of a document;
- answer the status of the question on the merits of the application (the passage of the application, decisions taken, etc.).
3.2. The application for the development of the document is prepared by the national cataloging authority (center) and sent to the Interstate Cataloging Center.
The application should contain the name of the document, a list of the main provisions to be included in the proposed document, development timeframe, information about the developer, justification of the need to develop the document.
Interstate Cataloging Center considers the application and For two weeks from the day it is received, it sends a response to the request to national authority (center) cataloging.
If necessary, the Interstate Cataloging Center sends a request to the national cataloging authorities (centers) for the need to develop the declared document. A copy of the corresponding application is attached to the request.
Within two weeks from the date of receiving the request, the national cataloging authorities (centers) review it and send a response to the request to the Interstate Cataloging Center.
When deciding on the need to develop a document, the Interstate Cataloging Center, in collaboration with national cataloging bodies (centers) develops a draft document and sends it to the CSTO Secretariat.
The CSTO Secretariat organizes the elaboration of a document in The CSTO Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation, after carrying out the necessary procedures, submits it in the established manner for consideration by the CSTO Council of Defense Ministers.
IV. Exchange of information in the formation and maintenance of the Interstate Catalog
4.1. The formation of the Interstate Catalog is carried out in accordance with its structure and in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents of the interstate cataloging system.
Formation of the Interstate Catalog includes:
- updating the structure of the Interstate Catalog;
- the development of the nomenclature list of supplies to be included in the sections of the Interstate catalog;
- the development of catalog descriptions of supplies and applications for the assignment of item numbers of the interstate cataloging system;
- inclusion (exclusion) of information on the subject of supply in (from) section l ( a) of the Interstate Catalog.
4.2. The Interstate Catalog is maintained by the Interstate Cataloging Center on proposals from national cataloging centers.
4.3. The structure of the interstate catalog is approved by the Interstate Cataloging Center in coordination with the national cataloging centers.
4.4. The draft nomenclature list of supplies proposed for inclusion in the Interstate Catalog sections is being developed by the national cataloging center. The nomenclature list should contain the results of the classification of supplies, t. e. For each of the items included in the list, the respective approved name, standard description format and class should be defined according to the Qualifier of the interstate cataloging system.
Within two weeks from the date of receipt of the nomenclature list, the Interstate Cataloging Center provides for an examination of the classification of supplies, if necessary, specifies the data included in list, and sends an informational message about the decision taken in national cataloging center.
Requirements for the design of nomenclature lists of supplies are established by the methodological documents of the interstate cataloging system.
4.5. Exclusion of item information from The interstate catalog involves the following steps:
- development of an application for exclusion of supplies from Interstate Directory;
- examination of the application for exclusion of supplies from Interstate Directory;
- deciding to exclude the item from Interstate directory.
Applications for exclusion of supplies from the Interstate Catalog are developed by national cataloging centers in the following cases:
- termination of the supply of the supply or removal of the supply from the supply;
- cessation of production of the supply.
An application for excluding a supply from the Interstate Catalog shall be submitted to the Interstate Cataloging Center. The Interstate Cataloging Center examines the application for the exclusion of the supply from the Interstate Catalog.
Upon completion of the necessary to exclude the supply from the Interstate Catalog of Procedures, the Interstate Cataloging Center notifies the national cataloging center of the exclusion of the supply from the Interstate Catalog.
Application forms and notifications for exclusion of supplies from The interstate catalog is established by the methodological documents of the interstate cataloging system.
4.6. The inclusion of the supplier’s supplier’s supply code or the change of data about it in the interstate cataloging system is carried out by the Interstate Cataloging Center at the request of the national cataloging center.
The forms of applications and notifications about the assignment of a code, as well as about changes in the data on the supplier are established by the methodological documents of the interstate cataloging system.
4.7. The provision of national cataloging centers with documents of the interstate cataloging system is provided by the Interstate Cataloging Center.
The list of documents, the forms of requests for their submission, as well as the procedure for ensuring are established by methodological documents of the interstate cataloging system.
V. Exchange of data on catalogable supplies
5.1. The exchange of data on catalogable supplies between the Interstate Cataloging Center and national cataloging centers is carried out in order to increase the efficiency of the interstate cataloging system, improve the quality and timeliness of cataloging work and eliminate their duplication.
5.2. The exchange of data on catalogable supplies between the Interstate Cataloging Center and national cataloging centers is carried out:
a) in electronic form using special software and hardware (used for the exchange of catalog data containing open information);
b) in paper form, on electronic media, as well as remotely via closed communication channels (used when exchanging catalog data containing information constituting a state secret or information of limited distribution).
5.3. Electronic data exchange on catalogable supplies is governed by regulatory and methodological documents developed by the Interstate Cataloging Center in cooperation with national cataloging authorities (centers) and approved in the framework of the CSTO in the prescribed manner.
The exchange of data in electronic form is carried out in compliance with the requirements for the protection of this information provided for in the CSTO member states.
Electronic data exchange with the use of special software and hardware on catalogable supplies containing information constituting state secrets or information of limited distribution is not allowed.
5.4. The composition of the data on catalogable supplies, for which information is exchanged, consists of the following segments:
- segment A "identification data of the supply";
- Segment B "Data on users of the supply";
- segment C "Reference data about the supply";
- Segment D “Items of Supply”.
Segment A includes the following data on the identification of the item of supply:
- the national nomenclature number of the item supplied in the interstate cataloging system;
- class code assigned to the item according to Classifier of the interstate cataloging system;
- the code of the approved name assigned to the supply in accordance with the documents of the interstate cataloging system;
- a fragment of the text (the first 30 characters) of the approved name assigned to the subject of supply in accordance with the documents of the interstate cataloging system;
- date of assignment of the national nomenclature number to the supply;
- code of identification of the item of supply (reference, descriptive, reference descriptive (combined).
Segment B includes data on identification of users of the supply - the code of the national cataloging authority (center) assigned in accordance with the documents of the interstate cataloging system.
Segment C includes data describing the totality of all known names and designations under which the subject of supply is registered in the national cataloging centers:
- reference number of the item of supply (designation of the item of supply from the developer, manufacturer, supplier, operator );
- The code of the enterprise (organization) that is the supplier of the supply. The specified code is assigned in accordance with the documents of the interstate cataloging system.
Segment D includes data on the values of the characteristics of the supply from the list provided in the corresponding standard description format.
5.5. Procedures that establish the types of (transaction) exchange in electronic data on catalogable supplies, include the following requests from the national cataloging center in Interstate Cataloging Center:
a) to catalog the item and register this center as a user of the item. The corresponding response transaction of the Interstate Cataloging Center;
b) to cancel the designated supply of the national nomenclature number. The corresponding response transaction of the Interstate Cataloging Center;
c) to add reference numbers to previously cataloged supplies. The corresponding response transaction of the Interstate Cataloging Center;
d) to add information about him as a user of the supply. The corresponding response transaction of the Interstate Cataloging Center;
e ) to change reference numbers to previously cataloged supplies. The corresponding response transaction of the Interstate Cataloging Center;
f) to remove reference numbers to previously cataloged supplies. The corresponding response transaction of the Interstate Cataloging Center;
g) to exclude information about him as a user of the supply. The corresponding response transaction of the Interstate Cataloging Center.
The names of data codes, transaction codes for the exchange of data on catalogable supplies and their permissible values are established by the relevant regulatory and / or methodological documents developed by the Interstate Center for Cataloging.
5.6. The exchange of catalog data containing secret information or information of limited distribution is carried out using paper and electronic media or remotely in electronic form through closed communication channels.
Protection of information containing secret or restricted information obtained during the activities of the Interstate Cataloging Center and national cataloging authorities (centers) is carried out in accordance with the Agreement on the Mutual Security of Secret Information within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty Organization of June 18, 2004 and subject to national laws - CSTO members.
5.7. Electronic media contain completed special formats in the form of files.
Requirements for forms of special formats for the exchange of catalog data and the rules for their completion are established in the methodological documents of the interstate system of cataloging supplies of the armed forces of states - CSTO members.