Regulations on the organization of joint advertising and exhibition activities in the field of military-economic cooperation of the States members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization


By decision of the Collective Security Council

Collective Security Treaty Organization

from December 23, 2014

“On the Regulations on the organization

joint advertising and exhibition activities in

military economic cooperation of member states

Collective Security Treaty Organizations

I. General provisions

1. The legal basis for advertising and exhibition activities in the format of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (hereinafter referred to as the CSTO or the Organization) is the Agreement on Interaction in the Field of Advertising and Exhibition Activities in the Field of Military-Economic Cooperation between the Member States of the Collective Security Treaty Organization of October 6, 2007 (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), domestic regulatory legal documents (regulations) determining the organization of international exhibitions (expositions) of products military, dual, special purpose (hereinafter - products) and technology (hereinafter - the International Exhibition), held in the territories of the states - members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (hereinafter - Parties), and on the territory of third countries, as well as these Regulations.

2. This Regulation defines the procedure for interaction: the authorized bodies of the Parties to implement the Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Authorized bodies); Coordination Council of authorized bodies of the CSTO member states on advertising and exhibition activities; organizers of international exhibitions held in the territories of the Parties; general operator and operators of advertising and exhibition activities of the Parties.

3. For the purposes of interaction and cooperation of the Parties in the organization and holding of international exhibitions, the following are appointed (determined):

- Coordination Council of the authorized bodies of the CSTO member states on advertising and exhibition activities (hereinafter - the Coordination Council);

- the organizer of the international exhibition held on the territory of the Party (hereinafter - the exhibition organizer);

- the organizer (operator) of the international exhibition held in the territory of the Party (hereinafter - the organizer of the exhibition);

- the organizer (operator) of the national exposition (hereinafter - the organizer of the national exposition);

- General Operator of the CSTO Advertising and Exhibition Activities (hereinafter referred to as the General Operator).

The Coordinating Council analyzes the state, assesses and predicts the development of advertising and exhibition activities in the CSTO format, and also prepares proposals for the formation of the draft List of international exhibitions at which it is possible to form military, dual, special purpose and technology exhibits of the CSTO member states (hereinafter - List of exhibitions) held in the territories of the Parties and the territories of third countries. The Coordination Council is guided in its work by the Regulation on the Coordination Council of the authorized bodies of the CSTO member states on advertising and exhibition activities, approved by a decision of the CSTO Intergovernmental Commission on Military-Economic Cooperation.

The head of the Coordination Council and the Secretary of the Coordination Council are appointed from the CSTO Secretariat and approved at the CSTO Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation meeting upon the recommendation of the CSTO Secretariat. Each Party determines the composition of the national part of the Coordination Council independently.

The organizer of the exhibition is determined in accordance with the national legislation of the state of the exhibition.

The organizer of the exhibition is an exhibition company (organization), which on a contractual basis is attracted by the exhibition organizer to implement a set of organizational, technical, informational and advertising and marketing activities in the preparation and holding of international exhibitions in the territories of the Parties.

Exhibition organizers may determine exhibition companies (organizations) that have experience in holding international arms exhibitions.

The organizer of the national exposition is the exhibition company (organization, the subject of military technical cooperation), which is appointed to organize the combined exposition of the Party at international exhibitions held in the territories of the Parties and third countries.

The organizer of the national exhibition shall be appointed by each Party independently.

The general operator is the exhibition company (organization), which is appointed by the decision of the CSTO Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation in order to develop and implement a set of technical measures related to the preparation and organization of the joint exposition of the CSTO member states, as well as participation in the business program of the international exhibition of the CSTO workers, subsidiary and statutory bodies .

Exhibition companies (organizations) with experience in holding international arms exhibitions may be appointed as general operator.

4. The organization of international exhibitions and expositions of the CSTO is carried out in accordance with the list of exhibitions.

The list of exhibitions is approved for 2 calendar years by the decision of the CSTO Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation.

The list of exhibitions includes:

- name of the international exhibition;

- place and time of the international exhibition;

- organiser of the exhibition;

- exhibition organizer;

- organizers of national expositions;

- general operator.

5. The order and sources of financing advertising and exhibition activities are determined by each Party independently in accordance with national legislation.

6. Temporary import and export of products and technologies for display at international exhibitions is carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Parties.

II. The procedure for preparation and approval
List of international exhibitions where possible
the formation of expositions of military products, dual,
Special Purpose and Technology CSTO Member States

7. The Coordination Council is developing proposals for the participation of the Parties in international exhibitions at which it is possible to organize expositions of the CSTO member states.

The head of the Coordination Council sends to the chairmen of the national parts of the Coordination Council no later than June 1 of the year preceding the planned one , proposals for the expected participation in international exhibitions for the next 2 years.

After coordination with the national parts of the Coordination Council, the draft list of exhibitions for the next 2 years is sent in the prescribed manner no later than August 1 of the year preceding the planned one to the national parts of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation CSTO for approval.

The approval of the list of exhibitions is carried out by the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation CSTO no later than November 1 of the year preceding the planned one .

8. The decision of the CSTO Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation of approving the list of exhibitions is sent by the head of the Coordination Council to the national parts of the Coordination Council in order to organize the work of the general operator, exhibition organizers, organizers of national expositions and informing interested organizations.

III. Product and Technology Exhibiting Rules

9. Exhibiting and demonstration of products and technologies in action at international exhibitions is carried out in accordance with the national legislation of the Parties.

10. National expositions (elements of expositions, pavilions) Parties seek to place on the exposition plan of an international exhibition in close proximity to each other.

11. In order to interact with representatives of diplomatic missions and consular offices, representatives of customers of products and technologies during the international exhibitions, each Party, if necessary, forms an official delegation of representatives of interested government bodies and organizations.

Delegations under the auspices of the CSTO can form to participate in the events of international exhibitions as agreed by the Parties. Delegations may include authorized representatives of the Parties to the Organization, representatives of interested ministries, departments and organizations of the Parties, as well as members of the Secretariat and the CSTO Joint Staff. The formation of delegations under the auspices of the CSTO is entrusted to the CSTO Secretariat.

IV. Functions, duties and rights of the exhibition organizer,
exhibition organizer, general operator
and the organizer of the national exhibition
in the preparation and placement of the CSTO exposition

12. The organizer and organizer of the international exhibition shall be guided by the national legislation of the Party in whose territory the exhibition is held.

13. Exhibition Organizer

The organizer of the exhibition in the preparation and placement of national expositions of the Parties carries out activities on behalf of the exhibition organizer;

but) in preparing the participation of the Parties in the international exhibition:

- includes, in coordination with the Parties and the CSTO Secretariat, in the plan of the business program of the international exhibition, events planned by the CSTO Secretariat and the Parties through the Organization, and prepares conference rooms and meeting rooms at the exhibition center for their holding;

- renders assistance to the organizers of the national expositions of the Parties in locating national expositions (pavilions, elements of expositions) on the exposition plan of the international exhibition in close proximity to each other;

- promotes the placement of the CSTO image stand on the exposition plan of the international exhibition;

- informs the CSTO Secretariat on the composition of the official delegations of the CSTO member states that independently contacted the exhibition organizer to attend the event;

b) during the international exhibition provides the work of the national expositions of the Parties in accordance with the agreed by the Parties, the CSTO Secretariat and the program approved by the exhibition organizer.

14. General Operator:

- develops and implements a set of technical measures related to the preparation and organization at the international exhibition of a joint exposition of the Parties and the participation of workers, auxiliary and statutory bodies of the CSTO in the business program of the exhibition, in coordination with the organizer of the exhibition, the organizers of the national expositions of the Parties and the CSTO Secretariat;

- develops a design project of the image stand of the Organization and coordinates it with the CSTO Secretariat;

- organizes the placement of information about the combined exposition of the Parties using the Organization’s symbols on the exposition plan and in the list of participants when publishing the catalog and guidebook of the international exhibition;

- organizes an advertising campaign of international exhibitions held in the territories of the Parties, using, if necessary, the CSTO image stand;

- organizes and provides, if necessary, the holding of press conferences of CSTO representatives.

15. The organizer of the national exhibition in coordination with the organizer of the exhibition organizes the full range of activities related to the preparation and organization of the national exposition of the Party and the implementation of the business program plan of the national delegation in accordance with the program of work of the international exhibition approved by its organizer.

V. Powers of Authorized bodies
implemented during the preparation and conduct
international exhibitions, expositions

16. Authorized bodies for the implementation of the Agreement have the right to:

- form official delegations of the Parties or make proposals on their composition for working at international exhibitions, plans for visits, meetings and negotiations with representatives of interested foreign organizations;

- monitor and supervise compliance with the national legislation of the Parties during the preparation and holding of international exhibitions held in the territories of the Parties, and the organization of joint national expositions.


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