Regulations on the Working Group on Military-Economic Cooperation under the Chairman of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation of the Collective Security Treaty Organization


By decision of the Interstate Commission

on military economic cooperation

Collective Security Treaty Organization

dated August 10, 2006

“On the Statute of the Working Group on Military-Economic Cooperation under the Chairman of the Interstate Commission on Military-Economic Cooperation

Collective Security Treaty Organizations

(Amended on September 10, 2015)

I. General provisions

one. The Statute of the Working Group on Military-Economic Cooperation under the Chairman of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (hereinafter - The working group) was developed in accordance with the Statute on the Interstate Commission for Military and Economic Cooperation of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, approved by the Decision of the Collective Security Council of the CSTO
of December 23, 2014.

2 The working group is created to develop, summarize and coordinate proposals from the national parts of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (commission) aimed at improving military-economic (technical) cooperation within the CSTO.

3 The working group is formed from the secretaries of the national parts of the ICGDP, as well as representatives of interested ministries and departments of the Organization's member states. The personal composition of the Working Group is approved by the Chairman of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation on the appropriate presentation of the national parts of the Commission. The head of the working group is the head of the structural unit of the CSTO Secretariat.

4. In its activities, the working group is guided by the Charter of the Organization, the Collective Security Treaty, international treaties and decisions taken in the format of the Organization and this Statute.

II . Main functions

5. The working group, within its competence, performs the following main functions:

5.1. Prepares, in accordance with the decisions of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation and the instructions of the Chairman of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation, proposals for joint practical measures of the member states of the Organization for the development, strengthening and improvement of military-economic (technical) cooperation.

5.2. In cooperation with the CSTO Secretariat, it carries out expert and legal elaboration of draft decisions of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation and materials justifying their adoption, as well as contributing to their practical implementation.

5.3. Participates in the analysis, assessment and preparation of information necessary to perform the tasks assigned to the Chairman of the Commission on the coordination of interaction of the Organization's member states in the field of military-economic (technical) cooperation.

III . Organization of activities

6 The main form of activity of the Working Group are meetings held as necessary. Issues for consideration are formed by the head of the Working Group on the basis of the Commission’s Work Plan, instructions from the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation Chairman and proposals of the Commission’s national parts to the agenda of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation scheduled meetings.

7 Members of the Working Group take part in the meetings.
If necessary, at the initiative of the national parts of the Commission or the CSTO Secretariat, representatives of state bodies or defense-industrial complexes of the Organization's member states on matters within their competence can be invited as experts.

8. The meetings of the Working Group are held, as a rule, at the place of permanent residence of the Chairman of the Commission or in any of its national parts by prior arrangement.

9. Organizational, logistical, legal and informational support for the preparation and conduct of meetings
The working group is carried out by the host Party on whose territory the meetings are held.

The costs of secondment of members of the Working Group and invited experts to attend meetings are borne by the sending party.

IV . The order of the meetings of the Working Group

10. The national parts of the Commission inform the CSTO Secretariat (Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation Chair) at least 30 days before the meetings about the membership of the Working Group meeting, the date and time of their arrival, comments and proposals on draft documents included in the agenda.

The agenda, drafts of the relevant documents, background material, information on the composition of the participants are sent by the CSTO Secretariat to the national parts of the Commission at least
15 days before the meeting.

11. The meeting of the Working Group is considered valid if it is attended by at least two thirds of the number of its national parts.

12. The meeting is chaired by the head of the Working Group,
and in case of his absence, the secretary of the national part of the Commission of the Member State of the Organization, where the Working Group is meeting.

The chairperson opens the meeting; informs on the composition of its participants; submits for approval the agenda and work schedule; gives the floor for reports and speeches; puts to the vote proposals on the issues under consideration; read out inquiries and statements; ensures compliance with the regulations; signs the minutes of the meeting of the Working Group.

13. The decisions of the Working Group on the issues on the agenda of the meeting are taken by consensus and are advisory in nature. At the same time, the delegation of one state, from among its members that are part of
The working group has one vote.

Other positions of the Member States of the Organization shall be reflected in the minutes of the meeting of the Working Group or in the special opinion on the draft document drawn up in writing. A dissenting opinion is signed by a member of the Working Group or a representative of a CSTO member state and is attached to the minutes of the meeting.

14. According to the results of the meeting of the Working Group, a protocol is drawn up, which, as a rule, contains information on the date, agenda and venue of the meeting, the composition of its participants, the issues discussed and the results of coordination of the draft documents reviewed, the presence of special opinions of the Organization's member states.

The protocol, if necessary, specifies the recommendations.
The Working Group on the further procedural passage of the draft documents (on the advisability of further elaboration in the States - CSTO members to convene an additional meeting
Working group, on the introduction of draft documents for consideration to the advisory and executive bodies of the CSTO, etc.).

The protocol includes the draft documents reviewed, the special opinions of the states - members, the list of participants in the meeting, and if necessary - and other materials.

The protocol is signed by the chairperson of the meeting and is reported to the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation Chairman with the attached materials.

15. Upon completion of consideration of the submitted documents by the Chairman of the Commission, the protocol and the materials attached to it are sent by the CSTO Secretariat no later than 5 days after the end of the meeting of the Working Group in the prescribed manner to the heads of the national parts of the Commission.

V. Final provisions

16. States - CSTO members provide conditions for holding meetings of the Working Group that guarantee the confidentiality of the issues under discussion, unless otherwise specified in the adopted international treaties and decisions of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation.

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