Regulations on the Coordination Council of the authorized bodies of the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization regarding advertising and exhibition activities

Annex 1

to the Decision of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation

Collective Security Treaty Organization

"On the development of advertising and exhibition activities in the field

military economic cooperation of member states

Collective Security Treaty Organization

from October 6, 2011

This Regulation has been developed for the practical implementation of the Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Advertising and Exhibition Activities in the Field of Military-Economic Cooperation between the Member States of the Collective Security Treaty Organization of October 6, 2007 (hereinafter - the Agreement) and defines the purpose, main functions, tasks, the composition, rights, organization of activities and working procedures of the Coordination Council of the authorized bodies of the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization regarding am advertising and exhibition activities (hereinafter - the Coordination Council).

I. General provisions

1.1. The Coordination Council develops proposals for organizing cooperation among the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (hereinafter referred to as the CSTO member states, the Parties) to ensure the implementation of the Agreement, the definition of the conceptual framework and mechanism for the formation of a single advertising and exhibition field in the military-economic cooperation area CSTO

1.2. The Coordination Council is guided in its activities by the Collective Security Treaty of May 15, 1992, the Charter of the CSTO, international treaties and decisions adopted in the format of the CSTO, as well as these Regulations.

Ii. Main functions

2.1. The Coordination Council, within its competence, performs the following main functions:

a) prepares proposals on joint practical measures of the Parties for the implementation of advertising and exhibition activities in relation to military, dual-use and special-purpose products and technologies in the territories of the CSTO member states, as well as in the territories of third countries;

b) contributes to the implementation of the efforts of the authorized bodies of the Parties in carrying out the following tasks:

expansion of interaction between participants of military-economic cooperation, enterprises and organizations of the Parties in the field of advertising and exhibition activities in the field of military-economic cooperation;

formation at international exhibitions of military, dual-purpose, special-purpose products and technologies (hereinafter - the International Exhibition) of national exhibition expositions (pavilions) of the Parties as part of the United Exposition of the CSTO Member States;

rendering assistance to organizations (enterprises) of the Parties in preparing national exhibition expositions (pavilions) at International exhibitions on the territory of the CSTO member states, creating their most favored nation treatment, including the provision of exhibition space and other services on conditions for their own participants;

the formation of a single advertising and exhibition field in the sphere of military-economic cooperation in the framework of the CSTO;

exchange of information on advertising and exhibition activities in the field of military-economic cooperation and experience of this work;

ensuring the interaction of organizations (enterprises) directly engaged in advertising and exhibition activities in the field of military-economic cooperation;

compliance with measures to protect state secrets and information of limited distribution of military products under existing international treaties to which the parties are parties;

c) carries out expert-legal elaboration of draft decisions of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation of the CSTO (hereinafter referred to as MKVES CSTO) on advertising and exhibition activities in the field of military-economic cooperation and materials justifying their adoption, as well as contributing to their practical implementation;

d) participates in the analysis, assessment and preparation of information necessary for the performance of tasks entrusted to the authorized bodies of the Parties regarding the organization of the effective implementation of joint advertising and exhibition activities by CSTO member states in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement.

2.2. Other functions may be assigned to the Coordination Council in accordance with the decisions of the ICMEC CSTO.

Iii. The rights

3.1. Coordination Council has the right to:

a) with the consent of the authorized bodies of the Parties, involve specialists from various branches of knowledge who are not members of the Coordination Council to attend its meetings;

b) request from the authorized bodies of the Parties information necessary for their work;

c) to create from among the members of the Coordination Council and involved specialists temporary working groups (commissions) operating under the guidance of the Coordination Council (heads of groups (commissions) are appointed by the head of the Coordination Council);

d) to enter with proposals to the CSTO IWECC on sending the members of the Coordination Council and specialists involved in the work to the CSTO member states and to the territory of third countries to familiarize themselves with the organization of International exhibitions and the activities of relevant structures, organizations (enterprises) and associations in the military-economic sphere cooperation;

e) to coordinate the activities of the authorized bodies of the Parties on advertising and exhibition activities in the field of military-economic cooperation in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement.

Iv. Composition and organization of activities

4.1. The Coordination Council consists of the national parts of the Coordination Council, the Head of the Coordination Council and the Secretary of the Coordination Council.

4.2. The national parts of the Coordination Council are formed from representatives of authorized bodies and other interested organizations of the Parties and consist of the Chairman and members of the Coordination Council.

Each Party determines the composition of the national part of the Coordination Council independently. The chairperson of the national part of the Coordination Council is, as a rule, designated to be not lower than the head of the department (management) of the authorized body of the Party.

On changes in the personnel of the national part of the Coordination Council, the Chairman of the national part informs the Head of the Coordination Council in the prescribed manner.

In the CSTO member states, in whose territories advertising and exhibition events are held in the format of the Agreement, the chairmen of the national units are deputy heads of the Coordination Council.

The head of the Coordination Council and the Secretary of the Coordination Council are appointed from the CSTO Secretariat and approved at the CSTO ICWEC meeting on the recommendation of the CSTO Secretariat.

4.3. The head of the Coordination Council organizes and directs the work of the Coordination Council, determines the range of issues to be considered at its meetings, and also gives instructions to the chairmen of the national parts.

4.4. The chairman of the national part of the Coordination Council analyzes the state and makes recommendations aimed at further developing advertising and exhibition activities in the format of the Agreement, informs the members of the national part of the Coordination Council about the date, place, agenda of the next meeting and organizes the distribution of materials to its participants. 

4.5. The Secretary of the Coordination Council summarizes the proposals received from the national parts, prepares analytical and advisory documents on the work of the Coordinating Council, informs the chairmen of the national parts of the Coordination Council about the planned activities, date, place, agenda of the next meeting, monitors and checks the implementation of decisions taken at Council, carries out registration of minutes of meetings and distribution of materials.

4.6. Members of the national part of the Coordination Council, on the instructions of the Chairman of the national part, develop draft relevant documents and recommendations, participate in the study and discussion of issues that need to be considered in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement.

4.7. The Coordination Council carries out its activities in accordance with the functions set forth in Section II of these Regulations.

The main form of the Coordination Council’s activities are meetings held as necessary, but at least once a year.

The work of the Coordination Council is carried out in accordance with the instructions of the CSTO CIEC Chairman and the decisions of the CSTO ICWEC on issues within the competence of the Coordination Council.

4.8. Members of the Coordination Council take part in the meetings. If necessary, at the initiative of the authorized bodies of the Parties or the CSTO Secretariat, representatives of state bodies or defense-industrial complexes of the CSTO member states on issues relating to their competence may be invited as experts.

4.9. The meetings of the Coordination Council are held by prior agreement with the national parts of the Coordination Council, as a rule, in the territory of the Party where the implementation of measures to implement the provisions of the Agreement is planned.

4.10. The organizational, logistical, legal and informational support for the preparation and holding of the Coordination Council meeting is provided by the Party on whose territory it is held.

The costs of secondment of members of the Coordination Council and invited specialists to attend meetings and other joint events shall be borne by the sending Party.

V. Order of meetings

5.1. The agenda, date, time and place of the next meeting of the Coordination Council are determined on the basis of the proposals of the authorized bodies of the Parties by the Head of the Coordination Council in consultation with the Chairman of the CSTO ECMEC.

5.2. The secretary of the Coordination Council no less than 45 days before the meeting, informs the chairmen of the national parts of the Coordination Council and interested organizations about the place, date, agenda of the next meeting and sends them, if necessary, information and reference materials.

5.3. Not less than 20 days before the meeting, the chairmen of the national parts of the Coordination Council send the necessary information, materials and proposals on the draft documents included in the agenda to the Head of the Coordination Council.

5.4. The Secretary of the Coordination Council summarizes the materials and proposals received from the states, reports them to the Head of the Coordination Council and prepares documents for the next meeting of the Coordination Council.

5.5. A meeting of the Coordination Council is considered valid if it is attended by representatives of at least four national parts of the Coordination Council.

5.6. The meeting is chaired by the Head of the Coordination Council, and in his absence one of the deputy heads of the Coordination Council.

The chairperson opens the meeting, informs about the composition of its participants, submits the agenda and the rules of procedure for approval, gives the floor for reports and speeches, votes proposals on the issues under consideration, announces certificates and statements.

5.7. Decisions of the Coordination Council are made by the agreed opinion (by consensus) of the national parts of the Coordination Council present at it.

In addition, each national part of the Coordination Council has one vote.

The decisions of the Coordination Council are communicated to the chairmen of the missing national parts of the Coordination Council.

5.8. According to the results of the meeting of the Coordination Council, the Secretary of the Coordination Council draws up a protocol, which, as a rule, contains information on the date, agenda, venue of the meeting, the composition of its participants, the issues addressed and the results of their coordination.

The protocol attached reviewed draft documents, and if necessary, and other materials.

In addition, the protocol may indicate recommendations to the Coordination Council on further procedural passage of the issues and draft documents under consideration (on the desirability of further elaboration in the CSTO member states, on convening an additional meeting of the Coordination Council, on introducing specific issues and draft documents for consideration by CSTO and others).

The protocol is signed by the chairperson of the meeting and reported on with the enclosed materials to the CSTO ICGDP Chairman.

5.9. After consideration by the CSTO Chairman of the CSTO of the submitted documents, the protocol and the materials attached to it are sent by the Secretary of the Coordination Council in the prescribed manner to the heads of the CSTO ICVEC national parts no later than 10 days after the end of the Coordination Council meeting.

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